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Senior Curriculum

The MacKillop Catholic College Senior School program strives to prepare students to achieve personal excellence in all areas of school life and to see each student take their place in the wider community in the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop and Blessed Edmund Rice. Building upon the excellent work of the Years 7-9 programs, the MacKillop Catholic College Senior School aims to provide the opportunity for each student to become an independent and active learner, who is ready to confront the challenges of an ever-changing world through a rich and engaging curriculum that has a broad range of subject offerings.

The senior curriculum presents and explores study options over Years 10, 11 and 12 to support students as they journey together towards gaining the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE). It provides clear learning pathways from Year 10 into Year 11 and Year 12 in specific faculty or discipline areas. It promotes a broad approach to senior secondary education, keeping options open for future directions beyond Year 12 including transitioning directly into employment, an apprenticeship or further study in the tertiary or TAFE sectors.

Our Year 10 program of studies focuses on providing an introduction to Years 11 and 12.  It is a targeting program providing opportunities for Year 10 students to reflect on their academic and personal strengths by engaging with foundational studies for TASC courses.  Our Year 10 students are being prepared to be ready to enter Year 11 and 12 at MCK.

MacKillop Catholic College students have a well-established record of outstanding achievement in their studies, careers, sporting and cultural pursuits and service to the community.  Learning in the senior years is challenging, and the secure, well-structured learning environment at MacKillop Catholic College where students are already well known and understood provides a very strong basis for individual success.

In Senior School the student is expected to work more independently. It is the student’s responsibility to manage their time and seek help when needed. Throughout their studies in senior school, the student is expected to work out of class time. It is not possible to complete all of the study and assessment commitments in class time. The classroom environment may change during the student’s time in Senior School. Some classrooms will incorporate independent small group work and others may use a variety of technologies to assist the learning. 

Year 10 Curriculum

Year 10 is a significant time of transition for students into senior school.  Our aim is to provide students with an engaging preparatory year of study that will ensure they are well prepared for the academic expectations of Years 11 and 12 TASC courses at MacKillop Catholic College.

From 2023, we will be extending to Years 11 and 12 (2024) and our aim is that all students will receive their Tasmanian Certificate of Education.  The Year 10 curriculum in 2023 will closely align with the prerequisite requirements for Years 11 and 12 senior subjects at MacKillop Catholic College and will mirror the requirements for TASC. Students in Year 10 will have the opportunity to commence preparatory study for Year 11 courses early to enhance student opportunities for success in senior subjects.

Expectations of senior students are high. Therefore, our Year 10 students in 2023 will be expected to work with the Senior School Assessment Guidelines as required by TASC. Students will be expected to be task-oriented and engaged in their daily classroom activities.

Year 11 and 12 Curriculum

Prior to choosing a TCE program, students in Year 10 undertake a comprehensive personal development and careers program designed to help them make the most well-informed decision about their future learning pathways. 

Year 11 is the commencement of the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE).    In Years 11 and 12, students study curriculum from the Office of Tasmanian Assessments, Standards and Certification (TASC).  Students engage in a minimum of 9 courses over the two years. At MacKillop Catholic College, there are 5 lines available each year to provide the maximum study of 10 courses over two years.  In Year 11, students study 5 TASC courses including a TASC religion course. In Year 12 students study a minimum of 4 courses. '

Students in Years 11 and 12 may choose one of two pathways.  If wishing to go on to university, they will select courses that ensure that they achieve an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), or if they wish to go directly into the workforce or TAFE, they will select courses and/or qualifications in the area of vocational learning. 

In Year 11 and Year 12 students should choose subjects in which they show aptitude and interest, challenges them and contributes towards a career or future educational goals.