Welcome to MacKillop Catholic College

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Learning and Teaching

At MacKillop Catholic College it is our aim to nurture a culture of vibrant learning environment that reflects the Josephite and Edmund Rice vision for an inclusive, liberating education for each person in the community.  We provide a rich and diverse curriculum that is student-centred.  Our Learning and Teaching programs are informed by the latest educational research and theory.  MacKillop Catholic College's location provides a contemporary learning environment with access to a multitude of learning opportunities in the community.

We focus on a safe, transformative learning environment that opens hearts and minds, through rigorous teaching and invigorating learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled, compassionate and free to serve the world for the betterment of all.

Learning and Teaching Framework

MacKillop Catholic College provides a learning and teaching framework for the subjects in the Junior School (Years 7 - 9) and the Senior School (Years 10 - 12).



ENABLE EXCELLENCE through high expectations and equity. MacKillop Catholic College makes learning visible through explicit learning intentions and success criteria.

We pursue excellence in the community, in the fullest sense of the word 'educate'. We have established curricula and continue to develop programs, learning experiences, opportunities, processes and physical spaces that ensure a safe and transformative learning environment.

ENGAGE LEARNERS who are aspirational and have a lifelong love of learning. MacKillop Catholic College has student-focused, flexible learning programs delivered through a variety of pedagogies including direct instruction: declarative and procedural, inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning, individual, paired and flipped learning.

As active learners, we maintain and strengthen the learning and teaching environment to ensure all members of the community achieve their best. We intentionally learn from the past, we focus on the present ensuring our learners are prepared for their future, one that will require a unique skill set.

MAKE CONNECTIONS through a holistic approach to education, integrating Gospel spirituality, with culture and learning. MacKillop Catholic College focuses on a holistic education that weaves webs of learning that are contextual, diverse, life-giving and go beyond the College gates. We embrace a connectedness between the natural world, society, the poor and justice.

BUILD RELATIONSHIPS that are life-giving, collaborative and respectful. MacKillop Catholic College tracks student progress, has strong Pastoral, House and service systems, monitors student behaviours and celebrates success.

We want our students to be compassionate human beings who have empathy, especially to those most in need. Our community is welcoming and inclusive, fostering the right relationships and committed to the common good.

We invite all of the community into the story of Jesus and strive to live his GOSPEL VALUES of compassion, service, faith, hope and love daily.

In a faith-based college, we have the dual responsibility of ensuring our curriculum and pedagogy follows the directions laid down in the Archbishop’s Charter. Our Religious Education program is closely underpinned by the guiding documents provided by the Archbishop and the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office.

Commitment to Learning Equity

MacKillop Catholic College is committed to providing learning opportunities that draw on the strengths of each of our students. Our experienced Learning Support team provides significant help to students and staff.

Our Learning Enhancement teachers work in the Learning Hub and the Rice Resource Centre to provide academic, social and emotional support to a large number of students throughout the year. Learning Enhancement Teacher Assistants also provide extra help during the assessment periods or will work with small groups on personalised programs.

Support is also extended to students who would benefit from an extension or extra challenges. Our Learning Extension teachers will work with groups or individuals to extend learning within the curriculum and beyond.

Support for Learning

In line with our College behaviour expectations – Be Engaged, Be Respectful, Be your Best – subject teachers work with all students to ensure there is engagement in all areas of learning.

Teachers and Learning Enhancement staff are available to all students and parents/caregivers to give help and support for assignments and homework.