Welcome to MacKillop Catholic College

Welcome to MacKillop Catholic College

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Counselling Services

MacKillop Catholic College has two College Counsellors, Diane Pitman and Madeleine Bowers.  The College Counsellors provide support to students and their families in dealing with challenges in a sensitive, caring and confidential manner.

The Counsellor’s role in the school community is to enhance the emotional and physical well-being of our students. The Counsellor can support students and their families with the problems that can arise from experiences such as trauma, low self-esteem, relationship breakdown, divorce, death of a family member, depression, anxiety, stress, bullying, harassment, academic concerns, addictive behaviours, suicidal ideation and any other concerns detrimental to the health and wellbeing of members of the MacKillop Catholic College community.

The College Counsellors also provide preventative counselling to the school by offering information that will educate staff, parents and students in the early identification and self-management of issues that may escalate and become troublesome.

Students can access our College Counsellors through an internal appointment system via direct email to our counsellors or by talking with their Pastoral Care Teacher or House Leaders.  Parents are welcome to contact either of our College Counsellors by phone or email with any concerns and are also welcome to make individual appointments if required.

All student appointments are arranged in a discreet and confidential manner.