Welcome to MacKillop Catholic College

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​The Archbishop of Hobart authorises the existence of all Catholic Education Institutions in Tasmania.

The ultimate authority for the conduct of MacKillop Catholic College rests with the Roman Catholic Church Trust Corporation of the Archdiocese of Hobart (Church Trust Corporation), acting by delegated authority through an appointed Governing Council. The Governing Council conducts the College in collegial partnership with the Board and the College Principal.

The Governing Council’s role primarily is one of supporting and monitoring the operation of the College. The Governing Council delegates the authority for the organisation and management of the College to the Principal and the Board based on a clear commitment to the principle of subsidiarity. The extent of the delegation, as articulated in both the Constitution and relevant employment contracts, is designed to empower and support the College community to operate the College in a strategic, functional and prudent manner.

Present membership includes:

Anne Foale – Chairperson | Jeff Tongs – Financial Advisor | Rebecca Burgess – Secretary | Father Mark Freeman – Parish Priest |  Jason Szczerbanik - Parent Representative | Brendan Gill – Acting College Principal | Alanna Stretton – Deputy Principal (Guest) | Andrew Pritchard – Deputy Principal (Guest) | Craig French – College Business Manager (Guest)| Tania Burgess – Executive Assistant to the Principal (Minute Secretary)